Tuesday, October 24

Rear garden trick-off session

Here's an update from my far more abusive, and Hip-Hop as fuck alter ego.

"Brace yo' self bitches! Looks like the backyard setup for Sheff is a bit more of a street stunter setup. Check this corner of the layout, for the angle of the dangle, I heard that little church goin bitch, Edwin is going, as well as his bum-chum Tom White. In all there are gonna be BARE pros getting mashed in Corporation on saturday night. I hope the Sheff locals are salty as fuck and beat the shit out Morgan "Ugly-faced-bastard" Wade.

'Lets see him Flipper whip
360 spindizzy with a broke up jaw,
and a fat lip.'

Heavy Rhymes boss!

Oh yeah and a Vintage slip on, chequer board Vans left trainer in his colon. For me and my bad-self, though, the big question is this; WHAT COLOUR ARE THEY GONNA PAINT THOSE DAMN RAMPS THIS FUCKIN' YEAR?"

1 comment:

Ben Webb said...

Yeah, I'll rock out... Take my top off an' give 'em some WWF move fo' shizzle.
